Read more about the article One-Hot and Ordinal Encoding for Features and Labels
One Hot Encoding and Ordinal Encoding

One-Hot and Ordinal Encoding for Features and Labels

Features and labels are crucial in machine learning. To ensure algorithms can process data, categories must be converted into numerical formats using techniques like one-hot encoding and ordinal encoding. This post provides an overview of both methods, explaining their workings and applications

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Read more about the article Key Building Blocks of Machine Learning โ€“ Features and Labels
Key Building Blocks of machine learning: Features and Labels

Key Building Blocks of Machine Learning โ€“ Features and Labels

Two fundamental building blocks of machine learning are features (input) and labels (output). This article explains what features and labels are, their different types, and how they are applied in various machine learning models.

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Read more about the article Basics of Artificial Intelligence: Concept, Brief History, Components
basics of artificial intelligence

Basics of Artificial Intelligence: Concept, Brief History, Components

Artificial intelligence (AI) has evolved from a theoretical concept to a transformative technology impacting various industries. This article guides you through the origins of AI, its initial interpretations, and its progression into machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL). By understanding these foundational concepts, you'll be well-prepared to embark on practical projects and delve deeper into the dynamic world of AI and ML. Join me as we unravel the basics and set the stage for hands-on exploration in the fascinating field of artificial intelligence.

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Read more about the article Exploring Different Learning Approaches in Computer Vision
Exploring Learning Approaches in Computer Vision

Exploring Different Learning Approaches in Computer Vision

Discover the evolving world of machine learning methods in this article! From supervised to weakly supervised, weakly semi-supervised, and semi-supervised learning, uncover the unique benefits and applications of each approach. Whether you're just starting out or seeking to deepen your understanding, explore how these methods work and when to apply them. Let's dive in and unlock the potential of machine learning together!

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Read more about the article Co-Registration Made Easy with 3D Slicer
Manual co-registration using 3d Slicer

Co-Registration Made Easy with 3D Slicer

Explore the essentials of manual image coregistration in our latest tutorial. From loading 3D MRI scans and highlighting misalignment with the checkerboard filter to performing precise manual adjustments and saving the final aligned images, we've got you covered every step of the way.

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Read more about the article How to Read and Visualize Various Image Formats with 3D Slice
Read and analyze nrrd, nifti, dicom using 3d slicer

How to Read and Visualize Various Image Formats with 3D Slice

In our third tutorial, we read and analyze various image formats with 3D Slicer. Discover how to navigate NRRD, NIfTI, and DICOM files effortlessly, empowering yourself to advance in medical imaging with confidence.

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